Your pets right at home!

Your animals are most comfortable in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds and smells. Our overnight pet sitting includes:

  • Free reports and photos
  • Daily walks
  • Poop pickup/litter box cleanup
  • Feeding, watering
  • Mail/newspaper pickup
  • Plenty of playtime
  • Lots of affection
  • Plant care
  First Second
Dogs $80/night +$40
Puppy $90/night +$50
Cats $50/night +$10

* Discounts available for multiple pets. Contact us for prices on special needs pets, birds, reptiles and rodents.

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Other Services

Check out our other pages for information on our dog walks and pet visits. Take a break from your regular routine and let us take the dog for a walk! If you’re stuck at work or just want a day away, we will visit and entertain your furry, feathery or scaled family.

Visits: Potty & Play

Don’t worry about your pets being lonely, needing to potty or wishing for a clean litter box when you’re away for hours having fun or stuck at work, maybe not having so much fun. We’re on the way! We can even do last-minute emergency drop-bys. 


Dog Walks: Vital to Health

Walking a dog isn’t just good for his or her physical health; it’s vital for canines’ mental and emotional health, too. Dogs need to smell their environment and pick up vital clues about their surroundings—”pee-mail” is their social media.

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